Creating event surveys

Create and customize surveys to send before or after your event.

Updated over a week ago

After creating your event details, you'll have the option of creating a pre or post-event survey. You can also skip this step if your event doesn't require a survey.

Creating a pre-event survey

Pre-event surveys are a great way to capture important details from your guests - such as a lunch order or T-shirt size. Your pre-event survey will be displayed when guests RSVP via Email or Slack invite or sent via email if invited via a Calendar invite.

Add your survey description, and choose from Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Checkbox question types. You can preview your survey, and make changes as needed.

When you launch your event, your pre-event survey will send with your invites, and your guests will be prompted to answer the survey questions before submitting their RSVP.

Creating a post-event survey

Post-event surveys help you collect feedback from attendees, and capture important data like NPS scores and sentiment. Add your survey description, and choose from NPS, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Checkbox question types. You can preview your survey, and make changes as needed. NPS and Short Answer are default questions but can be removed or reordered.

Once your event has ended, all guests that RSVP’d to the event will receive an email with a link to complete the survey. Surveys go out 1 hour after the event has ended. Survey responses are anonymous, and survey data is aggregated.

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